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About Congress


World Cardiology Congress

The World Cardiology Congress will take place from 27-29 October 2025 in a virtual format. It will be organized in collaboration with global cardiology scholars. WCC is one of the world’s leading cardiovascular events. It attracts cardiovascular healthcare professionals, predominantly cardiologists, but also includes basic and translational scientists, nurses, cardiac physiologists and scientists, and primary care staff. 
Live demonstrations will be broadcast from several top centers and will be one of the program's highlights.

About the Webinar

This is an exciting new opportunity for cardiologists and health care professionals around the world to engage with an international audience without the need to travel. Live-stream presentations give speakers the opportunity to avoid expenses and time required to travel, and share ideas online. Additionally, many of the same benefits enjoyed by presenters at traditional in-person conferences are also available to online presenters, including presenting one’s work to an international audience and engaging in Q&A, publishing in the conference proceedings, and participating in discussions with other cardiologists around the world.

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